Lift off Idea Competition
Do you have an idea in the box? Did you get a great idea during the project? Have you considered developing or commercialising your idea? Take part in the Idea Competition!
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and Seinäjoki Entrepreneurship Society – SeiES annually organises an idea competition where it is possible to test the capacity of its own innovative idea. Participate in the competition by briefly describing your own idea (max. 2000 characters). You can participate in the competition either alone or in a team of 2-3 people. Ideas are treated with complete confidence, only the theme of the idea is made public when presenting the winners. The competition is intended for university students, teachers, tutors and researchers.
It is possible to win as prizes, among others. tickets to Provence or movies. Additionally, Lift off offers the opportunity to present your ideas to experts who receive unbiased feedback and help you brighten, develop and measure your ideas.
The competition is organised annually.
Further Information