From Idea to Innovation | SeAMK Y-Zone

From Idea to Innovation

Often, developers of new ideas have many years of experience in this field. This experience can develop even through your own hobbies. Still, a good idea can also come from a first-timer or, for example, a solution to a random problem.

However, developing an idea for business requires profound expertise in the field. It must be remembered that the actual raw work usually begins only when the idea starts to be refined. Often, the development work requires the expertise and assistance of many different experts. Therefore, the idea must also be able to present others convincingly.

You should also discuss the idea with friends, relatives and potential customers. This gives you instant feedback and a better understanding of the benefits of the idea and the potential for commercial success. You should also try a new idea.

If you need help developing your own idea, you can contact SeAMK experts.

Further Information

Tumma, silmälasipäinen nainen seisoo käsi lanteillaan.

Päällysaho, Seliina

Research Manager



