Entre Intention Tool: Measuring Entrepreneurial Intentions | SEAMK Y-Zone

Entre Intention Tool: Measuring Entrepreneurial Intentions

The Entre Intention –measurement tool is developed for measuring entrepreneurial intentions, attitudes towards entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial skills and characteristics, and participation in different kinds of entrepreneurial courses. The main idea is to evaluate different factors affecting the development of entrepreneurial intentions during studies. The Entre Intention –measurement tool offers a way to measure the impact of entrepreneurial education and capture the current state of entrepreneurial education practices. The instrument can be used for longitudinal follow-up of individual students.

The instrument has been developed and piloted nationally and internationally by Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences. Ajzen’s (1991) theory of planned behaviour was adopted as basis for the development of this instrument.

Read more on EE-HUB’s website »

Further Information

Punahiuksinen nainen seisoo.

Joensuu-Salo, Sanna

Principal Lecturer (Entrepreneurship research), Adjunct Professor

expertise: marketing, business growth, entrepreneurship education



